Tuesday, January 17, 2006

University Opportunities

As a department we have started to explore a variety of local workshops, presentations, and professional development opportunities for the 2005-2006 academic year. Since we are located in the Capital Region of NY State just north of Albany, we have several colleges and universities within a 20 minute drive of our high school campus.

Our first adventure was to the SUNY Albany Campus on November 21st to see Doris Kearns Goodwin speak as part of the visiting writers series (http://www.albany.edu/writers-inst/vws.html). As a group we decided to read her latest book "Team of Rivals" before attending her 90 minute talk. She provided an interesting collection of insights and anecdotes about her ten years with Lincoln. Many of us were able to use stories from the book and lecture series in class discussion.

Our next adventure will take us to Siena college January 19th for The Martin Luther King, Jr. And Lecture Series http://www.siena.edu/mlk/2006Speaker/Lewis102005.asp on Civil Rights in the 21st Century with Congressman and Civil Rights icon John Lewis.

After Mr. Lewis we will be returning to SUNY Albany January 24th to hear Frank McCourt about his new book "Teacher Man" and his 30 years as an educator in the NYC school system.

As a group we have been meeting after each field to discuss how we could use some of the information and observations in our classes. I hope to package some of these sessions into a podcast before the end of this academic year.



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